[Scale-planning] SCALE ODF Workshop

Ilan Rabinovitch ilan at socallinuxexpo.org
Wed Dec 28 20:35:03 PST 2005

Hello SCALE fans,

One of our goals for this year's SCALE is helping to raise awareness of 
open-source and open standards in government.   The result of this is 
our ODF in Government workshop which will be held on Feb 10th, the 
Friday prior to SCALE.  This workshop will be produced in partnership 
with the OpenDocument Fellowship.

We have already begun to send invitations to government CIOs, IT staff, 
legislators, and other members of government and the response has been 

If this is an issue you are interested in there are many ways in which 
you can help to make this workshop a success:

1)  Contact your government representatives and ask them to attend.  If 
they cannot attend ask them to send someone on their behalf.  Some 
examples of people you might want to contact include your: mayor, 
senator, congress person, city council, governor, and any government IT 
2)  Write and submit a opinion / editorial piece on open-source and/or 
open standards to your local paper.
3)  Contact the assignment desk at your local TV stations or newspapers 
and tell them this is a topic / event you would like to see them cover.  
Feel free to send them the press release included in this e-mail.
4) Sign this petition to ask Microsoft to support the OpenDocument 
format in MS Office. http://opendocumentfellowship.org/petition/

We appreciate your help in making this event a success!   If you have 
any ideas or suggests for this event  please reply to the list. We look 
forward to hearing your input.

Happy new year!
818-442-1865 Voice
ilan at socallinuxexpo.org Email

      SCALE Announces Workshop On Open Standards For Government

Los Angeles, CA
December 27, 2005

In partnership with The Open Document Fellowship, the Southern 
California Linux Expo (SCALE) has announced plans to host a workshop on 
open standards in government at their upcoming conference, SCALE 4x. The 
focus of this workshop will be on the use of OASIS OpenDocument Format 
for Office Applications (ODF) and document accessibility standards in 
state and local government. The goal of this event is to foster a 
discussion about choice in software and open standards at all levels of 
California government. The workshop will be held on February 10, 2006 at 
the Los Angeles Airport Radisson and will lead into SCALE 4x, the 2006 
Southern California Linux Expo.

Date: Feb 10, 2006
Location: Los Angeles Airport Radisson
Website: http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/odf/

Topics to be covered at this workshop include:

    * Benefits of open standards versus their proprietary counterparts.
    * Technical merits of OpenDocument and XML-based file formats.
    * Avoiding vendor lock-in: The importance of choice in software for
      government organizations and their constituents.
    * The security benefits of heterogeneous software environments.

Confirmed speakers include Gary Edwards (OpenOffice.org) and David 
Eisenberg (OpenDocument Fellowship). Additional details on the workshop 
line up will be announced in early January.

SCALE's workshop follows in the steps of similar discussions which have 
been taking place in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
recently established ODF as as statewide standard. All agencies and 
contractors working with the state will be required to use this format. 
Massachusetts chose the ODF standard in order to guarantee citizens 
access to public records. The State Information Technology Division 
found that access to documents and records stored in proprietary 
formats, such as Microsoft's Office 2003 format, could be cut off as 
soon as the vendor choses to cease development of their product. 
Documents stored in formats based on open standards such as ODF do not 
have this problem. Users are not locked in or dependent on a single 
vendor in order to read their data, as any vendor can create software to 
read these documents without royalties or restrictions.

SCALE would like to publicly invite representatives from from local, 
state, and federal government organizations to attend this free 
workshop. Those interested in attending may register by sending an 
e-mail to: odf at socallinuxexpo.org or by calling Ilan Rabinovitch at 

*About The OpenDocument Format (ODF):*

OpenDocument (ODF) is a file format developed by OASIS, a standards body 
focused on structured documents and XML. ODF is intended as an open, 
cross platform, and vendor independent standard for editable office 
documents including: text documents, spreadsheets, charts, graphical 
documents, and databases. The format competes with Microsoft's Office 
2003 and Office 12 XML file formats.

ODF is supported by a wide range of software companies, government 
organizations, and open-source projects including: Sun Microsystems, 
IBM, Novell, Adobe, Corel, The National Archives of Australia, and 
others. Applications which currently support ODF include: 
OpenOffice.org, KOffice, Sun's StarOffice, and IBM Workplace. The 
royalty free and open license under which ODF is released will allow any 
individual or organization to develop competing products based on this 
format, without restrictions. This openness prevents vendor lock in, 
increases marketplace competition and provides consumers with a wide 
variety of choices in office suites.

*About the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE):*

The Southern California Linux Expo is the premier grass roots Linux and 
Open Source Software conference in the United States. SCALE 4x, their 
fourth annual event, will be held on February 11th and 12th, 2006 at the 
Los Angeles Airport Radisson. SCALE will includes seminars by leaders 
from the open source community, tutorials for beginners, and an exhibit 
hall with both vendor booths and non-commercial booths. Linux Expo of 
Southern California, Inc. is a non-profit organization currently 
comprised, but not limited to, members of the USCLUG, UCLALUG, and 
SCLUG. For more information see http://www.socallinuxexpo.org


Media Inquiries:
Orv Beach
info at socallinuxexpo.org

Workshop Registration:
Ilan Rabinovitch
odf at socallinuxexpo.org
818-442-1865 Voice

Event Sponsorship:
Ilan Rabinovitch
ilan at socallinuxexpo.org
818-442-1865 Voice

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