[Scale-planning] SGVLUG 20th Anniversary Party in Pasadena this Saturday

SCALE Planning List scale-planning at lists.linuxfests.org
Tue Nov 10 23:51:37 PST 2015

Hi all,

For those of you who might be in the Los Angeles area this weekend, the San Gabriel Valley Linux User Group is holding our 20th Anniversary Party at OpenX Technologies in Pasadena.  It'll be on Sat, Nov 14th, from 4pm to 10pm.  It's a free event for the SoCal Linux and open source community.  

Please RSVP on Eventbrite.  OpenX needs a guest list due to their strict building security.  We also need a headcount for the food.


Lan Dang
SCALE A/V Volunteer Wrangler
SGVLUG cat-herder

PS Apologies if you've seen this before. I've been working really hard to target former SGVLUG members, speakers, and associates.

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