[Scale-planning] Amazon Smile and how to give

Lan Dang ldangmlist at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 07:45:26 UTC 2017

I appreciate the recent discussion about SCaLE's mission as a nonprofit.

Ever since I found out a couple of years ago that the Southern California
Linux Expo is part of Amazon Smile, I've had it set as my charitable
organization of choice.  I'm curious how much SCaLE gets from that program.

Since it's painless and doesn't cost anything personally, I think it's
worth promoting to people who aren't aware of it, or who don't already have
a charitable organization they're championing.  Even if it's not SCaLE,
there may be some other FOSS organization who could benefit from awareness
of the Amazon Smile program.

I was reading Kids on Computers' website and appreciated how clear they are
about their donations and how they are used.

Since Ron is working on the new website, a suggestion I would have is to
have a similar donations page like this to show how individuals can
passively or actively donate to SCaLE beyond our volunteer labor.

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