Happy New Year Everyone


My name is Nicole and I would like to cover a brief introduction of myself for SCaLE's volunteer team. I am originally from CT, I study computer science, I like video games, art, and technology and my dream is to get a computer engineering degree. I have recently moved over to the linux operating system, and I'm interested in learning more about system administration in linux, security, and kernel development. I have helped volunteer and organize hackathons and other events in the past involving a lot of different people. I'm really looking forward to helping the tech team and contributing my time to SCaLE, I think it will be a great experience.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] Introduction
Local Time: December 28, 2017 10:59 PM
UTC Time: December 29, 2017 3:59 AM
From: bwade_75@yahoo.com
To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning@lists.linuxfests.org>
Nicole Gossett <unixinskie@protonmail.com>

Hello! My name is Bill Wade. I would like to volunteer to help with the network at SCALE. I have been working in Desktop Support for 14 years. I passed the CCNA Route/Switch last year. I am currently preparing for CCNA Security. I am not sure who to speak with about volunteering or if there a positions available. Thank you for your time!

Bill Wade

On Wednesday, December 6, 2017 6:19 PM, Nicole Gossett via Scale-planning <scale-planning@lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:


My name is Nicole and I would like to cover a brief introduction of myself for SCaLE's volunteer team. I am originally from CT, I study computer science, I like video games, art, and technology and my dream is to get a computer engineering degree. I have recently moved over to the linux operating system, and I'm interested in learning more about system administration in linux, security, and kernel development. I have helped volunteer and organize hackathons and other events in the past involving a lot of different people. I'm really looking forward to helping the tech team and contributing my time to SCaLE, I think it will be a great experience.

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