The post links to CFP as the place to submit a proposal for UpSCALE. 

Submission form: (remember to select UpSCALE for track/topic)

But there is no info on CFP page that says anything about UpSCALE or 5-minute talks, or the deadline and acceptance timeline for UpSCALE.

I would suggest either editing the CFP page so it applies to UpSCALE, or coming up with a separate UpSCALE CFP page.


From: Ilan Rabinovitch <>
To: SCALE Planning List <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 11:00 PM
Subject: [Scale-planning] UpSCALE Talks

Hi all, are helping us plan UpSCALE this year. The call for proposals is now open.  

Appreciate any help you can offer in spreading the word.

Ilan Rabinovitch
877-831-2569 x110 Voice 
818-442-1865 Mobile

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