Danny, many of our SGVLUG
members either volunteer at SCaLE or speak at SCaLE, so if you want to
learn more about it, feel free to join us. The meeting starts at 7pm,
and usually, the presentation starts at 8pm. OpenX (888 E Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA) is hosting and sponsoring pizza and drinks. Also since it's right after SCaLE, we'll be talking about SCaLE, and depending on the number of attendees, I may try to run a raffle since we have left over booth swag.
Unusually for us, this month will be a class on "Data Carpentry and Open Science" by the head of Research Services at Caltech. The target audience is postdocs, researchers and citizen scientists.
you should come if you're available. If we want to extend Open Data to
science data or want to encourage a track on scientists using open
source tools, this might be a good way to start. I know that NASA is
promoting both open data and open source.
PS I am trying to line up a talk on VR, though we don't have any open slots till July.