Ok, lots of things here. Here's our guiding principle. Attendees
(mostly anyway) are not at SCALE to hang out at the reg desk. So, we
want them to spend as little time there as possible. To that end, we
try to come up with solutions that streamline all the user experience
into one solution.
Multiple printers serving up different kinds of badges, separate
queues, specialized badge stations etc will all work, but violate the
guiding principle. Incidentally, that's also the reason that we have
only one badge per sheet when we can have 6 in theory. We tried that
once, and um, no, not fun.
We can solve this problem if we introduce expensive badge solutions
with RFID etc, but that will increase the cost of the conference, and
we are loathe to doing that.
On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Ken <scalezz@kemasa.com> wrote:
> It might not be worth the cost, but if you used a color duplex printer, you
> could print the badge on both sides, as well you would not have to have the
> badge paper printed up (same with just a color printer). This would reduce
> the waste of paper ,or having badges from Scale 12x hanging around (yes, I
> saw that stack).
> It would also give an option to print special, noticable badges for any
> purpose, such as tech, a/v, volunteer, speaker, expo, etc.
> I am not sure of what the cost would be for the printers and toner vs. having
> the badges printed up.
> --
> K.
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