Sorry, I was busy at work and could not participate further.

Thanks for addressing my concerns.  I looked at the CFP again, and it now explicitly states that the  main CFP is closed, but that the form can be used to submit  proposals for colocated events. 

I noticed that UpSCALE has its own page under Special Events.  But it's missing some crucial info that was in the blog post -- namely the deadlines.

So maybe this paragraph from the page above can change


"First, submit your proposal at this webform (remember to select UpSCALE for track/topic) where our committee will decide on seven of the eight speakers. Second, you can attend the SCALE 15x Lighting Talk Workshop on Thursday, March 2. During the workshop Duane O'Brien will help you take your lightning talk from idea to implementation, and one lucky participant from the training session will be chosen to participate in UpSCALE."


"You can submit your proposal at this webform (remember to select UpSCALE for track/topic) by Feb. 12th.  Our committee will decide on seven of the eight speakers by Feb. 20th.  Or you can attend the SCALE 15x Lighting Talk Workshop on Thursday, March 2. During the workshop Duane O'Brien will help you take your lightning talk from idea to implementation, and one lucky participant from the training session will be chosen to participate in UpSCALE."

I will pass the word around at work and at my LUG.


PS Hurrah, the schedule is online.

From: Caryl Bigenho <>
To: SCALE Planning List <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] UpSCALE Talks


I don't think it is confusing if people find their way to the right place it is pretty straightforward.


From: Scale-planning <> on behalf of Ilan Rabinovitch <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 3:33:16 PM
To: SCALE Planning List
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] UpSCALE Talks
I think thats the link that started this thread. Jason/Hannah/I had collaborated on the announcement there.
The concern you, Lan and Ken had raised was that it linked to the CFP which didn't mention UpSCALE instructions specifically.

I was hoping for specific edits or feedback on how we can address your concerns on the CFP page being confusing.

Ilan Rabinovitch 
Conference Chair
Southern California Linux Expo
877-831-2569 x110 Voice 
818-442-1865 Mobile

Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at's upcoming events:
* SeaGL  - Nov 11-12, 2016
* SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Caryl Bigenho <> wrote:

Jason Hibbits already put up a notice about the UpSCaLE talks on Monday. It is right on the main page with a link to more detailed information about it. https://www. lightning-talks
The only suggestion I would have for this is adding that the slide deck is to have 20 slides and that they will be automatically advanced at the rate of one every 15 seconds.


From: Scale-planning <scale-planning-bounces@lists.> on behalf of Ilan Rabinovitch <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 10:20:56 AM
To: SCALE Planning List
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] UpSCALE Talks
If someone sends a gist or google doc with changes to make the CFP page more generic I'm happy to discuss and see how to pull it in. I don't however want to make a different instructions page for every single group that has events at SCALE.  

Ilan Rabinovitch 
Conference Chair
Southern California Linux Expo
877-831-2569 x110 Voice 
818-442-1865 Mobile

Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at's upcoming events:
* SeaGL  - Nov 11-12, 2016
* SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 10:19 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch <> wrote:
This is the call for submissions, not the requirements for the slide forms, etc which are sent by email to the individuals who are accepted rather than on the website.

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 9:59 AM, Caryl Bigenho <> wrote:
I've done a couple of UpSCALE talks in the past. I looked on past years pages but couldn't find the old instructions. I do remember it was Gareth's project and that we had to get our slide deck to him by a certain deadline so he could get the whole thing ready to go before the event. Also, as I recall, we only needed to submit a title in advance (maybe with a clarifying sub-title). The deadline to get the decks in was very close to the actual opening of SCaLE.

It seems having a separate instruction for it this year might clarify it for folks. You should be able to fit in 7 - 8 talks (that is what was done in prior years).

Ilan Rabinovitch 
Conference Chair
Southern California Linux Expo
877-831-2569 x110 Voice 
818-442-1865 Mobile

Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at's upcoming events:
* SeaGL  - Nov 11-12, 2016
* SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA

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