I found a developer who would be interested in trying to build this app on a volunteer basis as a way of broadening his portfolio for his new consulting business.  He is new to the world of open source and keen to learn more.  He is also into UX.  

Could you remind me where you track these issues, or should we start a new repo for it?

I am highly interested in pushing this along  but reluctant to take more than temporary custody for fear of overloading my plate.  


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Lan Dang via Scale-planning
<scale-planning@lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
Is there a GitHub issue for this?  If not, it sounds like an ideal time to make one and add all these requirements to it along with a couple of scenarios for how the app would be used.

From: Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan@socallinuxexpo.org>
To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning@lists.linuxfests.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] speaker info on badges

- For badge scanning we'd also want 2 modes. Exhibitor vs attendee. Attendees want contact info added to their address book. Exhibitors want a CSV at the end of the event emailed to them for use with their CRMs, etc.

- any schedule data should be cached locally so it can be viewed locally if network is down or cel coverage poor.

- In terms of API ideally it would either pull from our existing schedule on the website. Whether that means the app polling the site or some intermediary that in turn  "pushes" to the app is an implementation detail we can figure out. 

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Hriday Balachandran <bala@socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
(This should probably be a document)

Phone App features:

1) Feature to read attendee QR codes and add to address book
2) Display the schedule
3) Alert feature with push capabilities, that can be used for schedule updates as well as general messages (Free lunch in track 5, track 3 is full - use overflow room etc)
4) API's to update the schedule 
5) Feature to allow attendee to build their schedule
6) Android and iOS compatible


On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:08 PM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning@ lufthans.com> wrote:
Am 10. Aug, 2016 schwätzte Hriday Balachandran so:

moin moin,

The issue with a label printer and a QR code is that it adds to the badge
pickup time.

The label printer would not need to be kept with or done at the same time
as badge pickup.

Even if we don't do a printout of some sort we could provide QR codes for
speakers to keep on their phones.

OK, don't tell anyone, but I did some graphics work :).

I grabbed the SCaLE menu logo off the site. A few adjustments to that
will give us better visual results, but the QR code works. Attached is an

qrencode -o SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png 'http://www.socallinuxexpo.org /scale/14x/speakers/der-hans'

convert -gravity center -composite SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png scale_penguin_menu.png SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli_logo. png

Looks quite scriptable to me. I'll create a shell script if you want.

The far more elegant solution is a smart phone app with notifications
enabled. The ones out there are expensive and not really worth it for us.

Are we going to use Guidebook again?

We would need to develop one. If there's someone that wants to take the
task on, please let me know.

What features do we want? Not offering to pop out a phone app :), but
knowing desired features could generate ideas on how to get them.




On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Mx Siltanen <mrsiltanen@gmail.com> wrote:

Perhaps we can get a label printer and allow custom prints w a QR code to
add to the badge?

That way we can keep up with updates if they occur and people can print
and promote their talk or booth by printing both text and QR code.


"My Cool Open Source talk" [ QR code ]
" Sat 11AM Room 101A"

"Job BOF" [ QR code ]
"Fri 8PM Room 301B"

"Robot Demo at" [ QR code ]
"Booth 29, 1PM"

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Carlos <scale-planning@digitalr00ts.c om>

Awesome idea!

Carlos Meza

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 9:57 AM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning@luft
hans.com> wrote:

moin moin,

https://twitter.com/cczona/sta tus/687654996112990208

That came up in the SeaGL channel.

As was pointed out, schedule changes happen and updates would be
difficult. SCaLE has been great about not having changes, so that's less
of an issue :).

However, for me, as a speaker, the main reason I want info on my badge is
for others who want to go to my talks, so I would actually prefer a QR
code with a link to either my talk page or my speaker page, which would
then have easy to use links for calendar entry and/or guidebook entry.

I actually meant to do that on my own last year :), but didn't get to it


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