It is as easy as setting up as a user group meeting for a night, or a day long event.
Naturally a 2-3 hour event would be easiest.
1) Venue:
Innovate Pasadena assists with arranging the venue - I can introduce you to the team which helped me.
You can also source your own venue if you like during the time period and Innovate Pasadena would be happy to partner w/event sharing their mission.
Some venues will have everything set - including A/V, chairs, ... .
Others more raw unused space ( waiting for someone to lease it, one spot I looked at had 2 large raw spaces - which would be good during the day, but at night you'd need to bring lights. They did have 40 chairs and some rectangular plastic tables - but no A/V. )
Naturally the raw unused space typically is larger, however may require renting chairs, A/V,...
IP mentioned they have ~30 venues which have offered to host events.
There was a nice conference room I was shown which can hold 40 people w/a "kitchen" and had a bathroom next to it. Looked like a good space for a presentation or workshop ( would need to bring power strips and extension cords for a work shop imho ).
Pasadena City College I was told may also have some space available ( iirc a large room, perhaps the one they do the IP luncheons? ) - which would be a nice option also as they have plenty of affordable parking.
2) Marketing event:
Innovate Pasadena will help market by putting the event on their calendar.
If you have a user group or meetup you'd want to also post it there or at other usual locations you post your meetings.
3) Food:
You'd need to find a sponsor for food if you like
4) Content
Naturally you'd want to line up your content. ( presenter, workshop, .. ) - Innovate Pasadena may have some connections to assist, however for most of us we've got better technical connections than they may have for the typical content we like to share. Still worth asking them, they've surprised me at times with some of the connections they have.
As long as the content is "innovation, tech, arts, science" and it is about sharing information and knowledge it should fit well with their mission.
Thank You