Hi Ilan,

One of our speaker is remote, so I'm planning on setting up a Zoom session to facilitate his participation.  I would be happy for you to speak about SCALE and the Call for Papers, particularly since there may be news coverage of our meetup.  The SCALE portion of the agenda is  supposed to be 7pm-7:15pm PDT.  Matt Campbell volunteered to help out onsite, so I'm hoping to have a SCALE table with the old SCALE programs and SCALE t-shirts for giveaway.   

If the schedule and logistics work out for you, could you email me a headshot and a one-line speaker bio?   I would also appreciate any graphics you want for me to represent SCALE 20x.   I still need to respond to Pasadena News by Monday..   



On Fri, Oct 7, 2022, 09:02 Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan@linuxfests.org> wrote:
I'd be happy to join via video conference if thats helpful.  If not, maybe someone from the team based in Pasadena can help pitch the cfp and scale in general?

On Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 8:16 PM Lan Dang <ldangmlist@gmail.com> wrote:
I could use some help with promoting SCALE and the Call for Papers at our SGVLUG meeting.  It is Thu,  Oct 13th, 6:30‐9pm in Pasadena.

It is designed to be show-and-tell with multiple short talks and time for people to gather around and chat with the speakers after.   Since I am organizing the event, speaking, and facilitating for other speakers, I will not have enough bandwidth to chat about SCALE and CFP.

Let me know if you can help by being that point person and answering questions or encouraging submissions to Call for Papers and volunteering at SCALE, let me know.  I have SCALE t-shirts (the burgundy ones) and random conference swag and stickers.  


On Thu, Sep 29, 2022, 14:19 KC Braunschweig <kc@socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
I created a new doc for brainstorming where we should be publicizing the CFP as well as any idea people want to pursue for keynote speakers:

Feel free to contribute ideas and also volunteer if you're involved or have any connection with specific orgs. It's great if the appeal comes from someone who is familiar to the group.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 5:15 PM KC Braunschweig <kc@socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
The SCaLE CFP is open and information is posted about all the tracks and expected co-located events we're working on. 

The website isn't fully updated yet but at least the cfp is updated sufficiently that you can direct people there. Also talk submissions work and so people can start submitting as soon as they're ready. We'll follow up with a more organized plan to publicize this as the full website update is finished but I wanted to let all of you know that the CFP is up and you can send people to it.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the content and getting the website updated.

KC Braunschweig
Program Chair
Southern California Linux Expo

KC Braunschweig
Program Chair
Southern California Linux Expo

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