Hello all:

I would like to know how Black Women in Technology can become involved? I know the opportunities in open source abound 😊 

My goal is to make sure our group can encourage more black women to migrate towards open source. Thanks in advance for your replies.

Lori Mitchell

Lori Mitchell
Black Women In Technology

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 12:38 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan@socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Mx Siltanen <mrsiltanen@gmail.com> wrote:

Q: Results from CFP... did we get enough?

350+ proposals.

What areas do we need more coverage?

The program committee is meeting later this week, and we'll have a better sense of inventory on the main tracks.  Some of the side events, will be reviewed after the holiday weekend.

As I am experimenting more with twitter for outreach I am encountering possible people to invite to participate with SCALE 15x and it would be good to know if there are areas which I may encourage greater participation.

btw - Most of my focus currently is Open Data, Big Data, DevOps, and Info-Sec related.

Thanks Matti.

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