Hi Derek,

Do the urls have to be baked into the IPA? Also, can we push the ipa outside of the store, so we can avoid Apple store?
On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 11:22 AM Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan@socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
Hi Derek,

I added an announcement about KubeFlow day.


On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 1:11 PM Derek Nowicki <derek@knowikiapps.com> wrote:


I changed all of the urls and they look like they are working just fine! I'm also in the process of editing the image resources to reflect the new 17x as well.

Can you add some announcements to the backend for 17x? We'll need some sample announcements that don't contain the words "sample", "demo", "test" or anything like that (apple will reject the app if we use those kinds of words). Or if you want to give me access to the backend I can do it, whatever you feel comfortable with. I would recommend that you just copy the text from some tweets or facebook posts. It would be real announcements that apple probably wouldn't have a problem with.

Once we have some announcements in there and I've edited the image resources, I should be able to deploy to the app stores and have the 17x ready to install/update in couple days time. I will also update the app store graphics and screen shots with the 17x moniker.

In my experience, it can take around 48 hours for updates to be approved by the app stores, so we want to make sure that we get as much testing done as soon as we can so that we have time to fix bugs and make updates. Once the conference starts, we probably won't be able to get app updates to the users before the end.


Derek Nowicki
Knowiki Apps

On 1/25/19 12:36 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
Thanks Derek. .What urls did you use for 16x? Can we just change the
path to 17x?

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 2:07 PM Derek Nowicki <derek@knowikiapps.com> wrote:

Last year we started working on a mobile app to replace guidebook. We got most of the way there, but didn't quite make it in time to be used for the conference. We'd love to see this app used this year so we're reaching out for your help to get it up and running. We're looking for people to test the app, develop features, find and report bugs, and work on backend features.

the app can be installed on both Android, iOS, and all desktop OS's:




Currently the app is configured for 16x, but we just need the backend API endpoints for 17x and that will be fixed. So if you're the site admin send us the endpoint URLs please!

If you're interested in contributing to the project as a tester, developer, or designer let us know.


Derek Nowicki
Knowiki Apps

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