i didn't see much on the page with the artwork.
if you could be more specific about what you want and send the verbage
that needs to be included. i'd give it a try.
<quote who="Ilan Rabinovitch">
______________________________Hi folks,
Anyone have some spare cycles to help design some banners and buttons for
this year's show?
We have a few community members reaching out for something they can put
their websites to promote scale.
Ideally we'd do them as 728x90 and 300x250 so we can use them for Linux
Media's websites as well.
Some of the SCALE branding can be found here, if you'd like to give it a
https://github.com/socallinuxexpo/SCALE-Planning/tree/ master/branding
Ilan Rabinovitch
877-831-2569 x110 Voice
818-442-1865 Mobile
ilan@linuxfests.org Email
Scale-planning mailing list
https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning
I�m moderate on extroversion.
Scale-planning mailing list
https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale- planning