It was slow when I first used it.  After sometime I learned to look for the green dots at the 4 edges of the QR code and the rough distance between the scanner and the badge, then it was faster.


On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 10:44 PM, Lei Zhang <> wrote:
We had 4 people there when the crowd came. During off peak hours,
there were oftentimes only 1 or 2 people there.

Did anyone actually find the badge scanning to be slow?

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 2:32 PM, Ken <> wrote:
> Are you sure about that? Since there were 4 people at the t-shirt booth and
> there were at least 2 at registration, that seems to me to be more than what
> is normally at registration when the shirts are given out there. Then when
> you add someone to play traffic cop to make the line go faster and less of a
> mess, including preventing those who don't realize that there is a line from
> upsetting those who have been waiting in line, it seems to be more people and
> more of a problem, especially with two booths based on size.
> It also seems to be slower since all of the badges have to be scanned, which
> means it takes more time for the people. If there was a "coupon" on the badge
> sheet, it could make the handout go faster instead of scanning the badge.
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