Based on feedback, it sounds like we should try to do:
1) Map (This will likely take 2 cards unless everyone has super good eyesight)
2) Ad for game night (including family hour)
3) Map / ad for BV for Thurs/Fri attendees
If anyone is interested in creating a card or two, please send 300 DPI
images my way. Otherwise I'll try to whip something up on Wednesday.
On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 10:03 PM, Lei Zhang <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The attendee badges are printed on 8.5" x 11" badge stock. The paper
> is perforated and divided into six 4" x 3" cards. We use 2 cards to
> print the badge and the receipt, which leaves 4 blank cards. Does
> anyone have suggestions on what to put in those spaces? In the past,
> we have used the space for "Welcome to SCALE" messages, maps, raffle
> tickets, and QR codes for the Guidebook app.
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