this year's Game Night will have a Star Wars theme, and the more robots who attend, the better. :-)  but this might also be an appropriate activity for a TNG event, like the kids' workshop.

if SUNI would like to party with us, then we'll have to give him his own space. :-)

why don't you send an email introduction, and we'll take the discussion to the next place.


On Mon, Jan 28, 2019, 12:39 der.hans < wrote:
moin moin,

We had a STEM event over the weekend.

I met the creators of SUNI the robot. It runs ROS ( Robot Operating
System ) on top of Ubuntu.

I, of course, talked to them about Free Software :).

Part of that conversation was promoting SCaLE. He said they're already
booked for all of March. After Scott looked at SCaLE info yesterday
they've decided to move the events so they can make SCaLE afterall.

Lori, interested in having SUNI participate in game night on Saturday?

Are there any particular events or opportunities that we would like to see
SUNI participate in?


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