Search function is a great idea!
I think the best way to do that would be to add a search plugin
to the backend drupal site and then open up an API endpoint for us
to send search parameters to. Especially if it's desired for the
web site. I'm not sure which plugins are out there. Perhaps our
site admins have some ideas?
Am 07. Feb, 2019 schwätzte Lori Barfield so:
moin moin,
since it does badge scanning, it will need camera access.
It does badge scanning? For attendees to scan badges from other attendees?
it might need microphone access if it had a pane for search input. but i
don't see a search feature. that would be extremely useful, as we have 150
booths and hundreds of talks.
Having a search mechanism would be great. Same for the web site :).
On Thu, Feb 7, 2019, 07:30 der.hans <>
Am 07. Feb, 2019 schwätzte Derek Nowicki so:
moin moin Derek,
Looking forward to having an app for SCaLE17x. Is there a possibility of
getting it into F-Droid?
Also, why does it need precise location, microphone and camera access?
Ilan,one of
Sorry about the delayed reply, I've been dealing with some issues with
my clients and it has been an absolute drain on my energy.the
Things are going well with the app though. I'm just about done updating
urls and image resources for the 17x moniker, and I'll be uploading thephone
updated app to the stores soon.
What would be really awesome is if you could install the app on your
and test it out before I upload the updates to the stores. Obviously,the
data will be from 16x but we haven't changed any of the features so youto be
should be able to use it just the same. Any feedback you give can be
integrated into the update I'll send.
I think the main thing I need to know is what work we need to do for it
acceptable for the conference. If there are any features that you wantto
add, we definitely have time to work on them. If there are any bugs youfind,
we have time to fix them. I'd love to get an email from you soon thatsays
the app is good enough to use this's
Whatever we need to do to get this year to be the first year SCaLE has
own app, I'm down to get it done. I just need your feedback.unauthorized
/Derek Nowicki
Knowiki Apps
On 2/5/19 11:35 PM, Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
Hi Derek, Hows the app coming along? Need any help from us?
On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 1:50 PM Derek Nowicki <>
As far as I know, there isn't a legal way to bypass the app store for
apple. android will allow you to do it, but with ios you'd need to
jailbreak your phone or "sideload" the app from another device. For
Android the users would have to set their devices to allow
haveapps, which I don't think anyone would be willing to do, and we would
weto set up some backend download endpoint for he apk.
It looks like we could possibly contact apple directly (and probably
google too) to expedite a review. We may be able to make a case that
ifwant to push immediate updates for the conference. But really, I think
staywe got some people testing it over the next couple months we should be
Currently, the URLs are baked into the app, but they don't have to
arethat way. There's a bunch of ways we could probably do it since they
sendjust strings in the source code. You're welcome to work on it. If you
me your github handle, I can add you as a dev on the project.
Derek Nowicki
Knowiki Apps
On 1/26/19 10:24 AM, Hriday Balachandran wrote:
Hi Derek,
Do the urls have to be baked into the IPA? Also, can we push the ipa
outside of the store, so we can avoid Apple store?
On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 11:22 AM Ilan Rabinovitch
<> wrote:
Hi Derek,
I added an announcement about KubeFlow day.
On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 1:11 PM Derek Nowicki <>
I changed all of the urls and they look like they are working just
theI'm also in the process of editing the image resources to reflect
somenew 17x as well.
Can you add some announcements to the backend for 17x? We'll need
thosesample announcements that don't contain the words "sample", "demo",
"test" or anything like that (apple will reject the app if we use
cankinds of words). Or if you want to give me access to the backend I
youdo it, whatever you feel comfortable with. I would recommend that
realjust copy the text from some tweets or facebook posts. It would be
17xannouncements that apple probably wouldn't have a problem with.
Once we have some announcements in there and I've edited the image
resources, I should be able to deploy to the app stores and have the
appready to install/update in couple days time. I will also update the
approvedstore graphics and screen shots with the 17x moniker.
In my experience, it can take around 48 hours for updates to be
testingby the app stores, so we want to make sure that we get as much
getdone as soon as we can so that we have time to fix bugs and make
updates. Once the conference starts, we probably won't be able to
app updates to the users before the end.
Derek Nowicki
Knowiki Apps
On 1/25/19 12:36 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
Thanks Derek. .What urls did you use for 16x? Can we just change the
path to 17x?
On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 2:07 PM Derek Nowicki <>
Last year we started working on a mobile app to replace guidebook.
usedgot most of the way there, but didn't quite make it in time to be
we'refor the conference. We'd love to see this app used this year so
forreaching out for your help to get it up and running. We're looking
workpeople to test the app, develop features, find and report bugs, and
backendon backend features.
the app can be installed on both Android, iOS, and all desktop OS's:
Currently the app is configured for 16x, but we just need the
_______________________________________________API endpoints for 17x and that will be fixed. So if you're the site_______________________________________________
admin send us the endpoint URLs please!
If you're interested in contributing to the project as a tester,
developer, or designer let us know.
Derek Nowicki
Knowiki Apps
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