HI Ilan and Bala and All!
I have been looking over the SCaLE 15X schedule and I have a few questions and comments…
Q: Is there going to be a Game Night this year. Which evening and what is the time schedule?
Q: What is the venue for “Bad Voltage?” In one place it says “Ballroom DE” in another, it says it will be “at the historic Castle Green.” So, where is it going to be?
Q: Can you explain more about the “Capture The Flag” event on Saturday? Has the time been set for that? What will participants be doing and what, if anything do they need to bring?
Comment: Ruth Suehle’s name should be added in the Sunday 3-4pm time slot in the OSSIE track. She and Tom Calloway co-authored the RPI book and will be speaking together.
Comment: I need to start lining up volunteers for the booth. In past years we were able to provide them with free registration in exchange for their donation of time in the booth.
Q: When will the registration codes for these volunteers be available so they can register?
Q: Kenneth will have a “Speakers” badge and registration. Am I, as co-chair of the OSSIE track, a member of the planning committee? If so, what code do I need to register?
Comment: I am going to make up a page with links about OSSIE at SCaLE and try to get it posted on the CUE websites and maybe I’ll send it to the Computer Science departments and education departments at local colleges. I was thinking of doing a BOF for OSSIE either Friday or Saturday and having flyers in the booth.
Q: Does anyone have any ideas for more publicity for OSSIE?
That’s all I can remember for now. I know I will have more questions the very second I hit the “Send” button on this!
Caryl Bigenho, Co-Chair OSSIE @ SCalE 15X