Also the "politicians and business leaders" need IT to succeed... Linux is now THEE OS.
Does he know what OS is, and what it means?

Education of people still able to avoid IT may be another answer too.

Who out there is a great teacher and wants to get the world, or at least Pasadena in the know about IT & Linux?


From: SCALE Planning List <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 9:47 AM
Subject: [Scale-planning] Local News Hookup

One of my best friends is Kevin Smith, business editor of the San Gabriel Valley News. His office is right on Colorado Blvd near the Convention Center, and he seems to hang out with a lot of politicians and business leaders in the area.

I've mentioned Scale to him a couple of times, and tried to explain that Linux is taking over the world; who else can talk to him about the importance of this conference? Can we arrange for him to interview some of the speakers, especially the keynotes?

I'll send him the link to the website for starters. 

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