Am 07. Feb, 2019 schwätzte Lori Barfield so:
moin moin,
All four links out of the schedule are pointing at
which isn't working.
The Thursday (UbuCon) and Sunday (Security) schedule as well as both talk
pages currently point to that page.
The following page started working in the last couple days
>From there you can follow links for talks in previous years.
My SCaLE16x talk pages bring up a page that shows the content from the
speakers page rather than just my page.
The link to me on that page brings up the working page above.
Elizabeth K. Joseph's page was broken last year. It now points to a 17x
page that is access denied.
Her links and mine were broken last year, bringing up the speaker page
contents rather than our own talk list and bio.
The person after her on the 16x speaker page, Tom King, points at 15x that
redirects to 17x. Spot checking a few other people show links to 16x for
other speakers last year.
Hmm, Bradley Kuhn is also pointing to 17x from year's speaker page, so
perhaps it links to the most recent year where someone is speaking. That's
pretty cool as previous years point to current bio and magically get new
The speaker page issues have made it difficult for people to find my talks
in previous years. I'm planning on bringing business cards with talk info
and QR codes on them this year.
> he says those links are all working for him. (i didn't bother to check this
> time before passing the problem report along.) can you check again and
> give a list of specific links that are still problematic?
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019, 23:41 Lori Barfield <> wrote:
>> goodness. sent that report along, too.
>> ...lori
>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019, 22:10 der.hans <>
>> wrote:
>>> Am 04. Feb, 2019 schwätzte Lori Barfield so:
>>> moin moin,
>>> I see that links from the speakers page for me, Ted and Lance were fixed.
>>> Unfortunately, the links from my talks still don't work.
>>> The link from Ted's talk this year works, but not from his talk last year.
>>> Same behavior for Lance.
>>> I tried a few links from my previous talks and they also don't work.
>>> ciao,
>>> der.hans
>>>> i get the same in chrome, sent our web guru a note. thanks for the
>>> report.
>>>> ...lori
>>>> On Sun, Feb 3, 2019, 21:08 der.hans <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> moin moin,
>>>>> was setting up some promo for my talk and my speaker page is now access
>>>>> denied. It was working last week.
>>>>> Glancing at some of the speaker pages, I found a couple more that
>>> aren't
>>>>> working.
>>>>> I'm getting access denied in Firefox and in links.
>>>>> ciao,
>>>>> der.hans
>>>>> --
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