Yes I believe so, and there is plenty of opportunities to have a strong short track there.

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Juan J. Natera <> wrote:

I was taking a look at the CFP page
(, when I read the
description of the Open Data track, which I quote here:

"Open Data - This newly introduced track will focus on topics related
to Open Data in Science, Government, and other sources. This will
strive to answer questions such as: Why does Open Data Matter? What
are benefits of Open Data? What are the goals of the Open Data
movement? What is its current status?"

As an Open Source enthusiast, I wholeheartedly agree with the
importance of Open Data, and realize there is a long road ahead of
those working to address this issue. However I believe that this
track, as described, would be more at home as a keynote in Data
focused conference. I am not saying it goes against SCALE's mission to
have this kind of content, far from it. but speaking also as an
attendee, I think SCALE users would be more interested in Open Source
tools for working with data (big or small), since it's already obvious
for most scale attendees that Open Data is just as good as Open Source

I also realize that Big Data is mentioned in the Cloud Track, but
isn't there enough interest in this topic to deserve its own track?

Some food for thought,


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