[scale-infra] Fwd: [REMINDER] Amazon Aurora MySQL 2 (with MySQL 5.7 compatibility) will reach end of Standard Support on October 31, 2024 [AWS Account: 355993445259] [US-EAST-1]

Phil Dibowitz phil at ipom.com
Tue Apr 30 16:58:16 UTC 2024

Created https://github.com/socallinuxexpo/scale-drupal/issues/129 for 
Philip to test the codebase against MySQL3.

On 4/30/24 5:00 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: *'Amazon Web Services, Inc.' via aws-linuxfests* 
> <aws at linuxfests.org <mailto:aws at linuxfests.org>>
> Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 4:41 PM
> Subject: [REMINDER] Amazon Aurora MySQL 2 (with MySQL 5.7 compatibility) 
> will reach end of Standard Support on October 31, 2024 [AWS Account: 
> 355993445259] [US-EAST-1]
> To: <aws at linuxfests.org <mailto:aws at linuxfests.org>>
> Hello,
> You are receiving this message because you have one or more Amazon 
> Aurora MySQL clusters running a version of Aurora MySQL 2 (with MySQL 
> 5.7 compatibility) on a provisioned instance in the US-EAST-1 Region. If 
> you are running Amazon Aurora MySQL 2 (with MySQL 5.7 compatibility) in 
> an Aurora Serverless v1 cluster, this communication does not apply to you.
> Amazon Aurora MySQL 2 (with MySQL 5.7 compatibility) will reach end of 
> standard support on October 31, 2024. We are providing you with a 
> 6-month reminder, following up from our previous 12-month notice, so you 
> have sufficient time to upgrade your database cluster(s). Please note 
> that upgrading between major versions requires more extensive planning 
> and testing than for a minor version and the process can take 
> substantial time.
> We recommend that you upgrade your databases to the latest patch of the 
> default minor version of Amazon Aurora MySQL 3 (currently Aurora MySQL 
> 3.04) or higher, at your earliest convenience before October 31, 2024. 
> For how to do the upgrades please consult our documentation [1]. 
> Upgrades may be performed using in-place upgrade [2], snapshot and 
> restore [3], or a high availability blue-green upgrade technique which 
> can be fully managed using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments [4]. The 
> amount of downtime your system will experience depends on the upgrade 
> technique chosen, as well as properties of your schema.
> Major version upgrades will require downtime and might require manual 
> intervention and application changes. We will send you updates and 
> reminders before the standard support deadline. You can find the latest 
> information needed to plan your upgrade in our 'User Guide for Aurora' [5].
> The affected clusters are listed in the 'Affected resources' tab of your 
> AWS Health Dashboard. You can also find clusters which are affected by 
> this deprecation notice by referring to the following user guide [6].
> Amazon Aurora MySQL provides you with one year of free extended support 
> over community MySQL 5.7, that reached end of life on October 31, 2023. 
> If you need more time to complete the upgrades, you can use Amazon RDS 
> Extended Support [7] for Aurora MySQL 2. RDS Extended Support [8] for 
> Aurora is a paid service [9] that will provide up to 28 additional 
> months of support for Aurora MySQL 2 until the end of extended support 
> in February 2027. After October 31, 2024 all your databases continue 
> running Aurora MySQL 2 will be automatically enrolled in RDS Extended 
> Support. Charges for RDS Extended Support will start accruing from 
> December 1, 2024. RDS Extended Support will only be offered for Aurora 
> MySQL minor versions 2.11 and 2.12. If you plan to use Amazon Aurora 
> MySQL 2 beyond end of standard support, please plan to be running your 
> database(s) on one of these minor versions before October 31, 2024. If 
> your databases are not running Aurora MySQL minor versions 2.11 or 2.12 
> by October 31, 2024 they will be upgraded before being enrolled into RDS 
> Extended Support. This upgrade will occur during your maintenance window 
> and cannot be turned off.
> Should you have any questions or concerns, the AWS Support Team is 
> available on AWS re:Post [10] and via AWS Support. [11]
> [1] 
> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Updates.MajorVersionUpgrade.html#AuroraMySQL.Updates.MajorVersionUpgrade.2to3 <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Updates.MajorVersionUpgrade.html#AuroraMySQL.Updates.MajorVersionUpgrade.2to3>
> [2] 
> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Updates.MajorVersionUpgrade.html#AuroraMySQL.Upgrading.Procedure <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Updates.MajorVersionUpgrade.html#AuroraMySQL.Upgrading.Procedure>
> [3] 
> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-restore-snapshot.html <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-restore-snapshot.html>
> [4] 
> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/blue-green-deployments.html <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/blue-green-deployments.html>
> [5] 
> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.MySQL57.EOL.html <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.MySQL57.EOL.html>
> [6] 
> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.MySQL57.EOL.html#find-cluster <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.MySQL57.EOL.html#find-cluster>
> [7] 
> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/extended-support.html <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/extended-support.html>
> [8] 
> https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/introducing-amazon-rds-extended-support-for-mysql-databases-on-amazon-aurora-and-amazon-rds/ <https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/introducing-amazon-rds-extended-support-for-mysql-databases-on-amazon-aurora-and-amazon-rds/>
> [9] 
> https://aws.amazon.com/rds/aurora/pricing/#Amazon_RDS_Extended_Support_costs <https://aws.amazon.com/rds/aurora/pricing/#Amazon_RDS_Extended_Support_costs>
> [10] https://repost.aws/ <https://repost.aws/>
> [11] https://aws.amazon.com/support <https://aws.amazon.com/support>
> Sincerely,
> Amazon Web Services
> Amazon Web Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc. Amazon.com 
> is a registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc. This message was produced 
> and distributed by Amazon Web Services Inc., 410 Terry Ave. North, 
> Seattle, WA 98109-5210
> ---
> Reference: 
> https://health.aws.amazon.com/health/home?region=us-east-1#/event-log?eventID=arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/RDS/AWS_RDS_PLANNED_LIFECYCLE_EVENT/AWS_RDS_PLANNED_LIFECYCLE_EVENT_eb3a6a9c7f7ac3e52d669f10ca6cf9a1fba47ae95059613d292550375a81905f&eventTab=details <https://health.aws.amazon.com/health/home?region=us-east-1#/event-log?eventID=arn:aws:health:us-east-1::event/RDS/AWS_RDS_PLANNED_LIFECYCLE_EVENT/AWS_RDS_PLANNED_LIFECYCLE_EVENT_eb3a6a9c7f7ac3e52d669f10ca6cf9a1fba47ae95059613d292550375a81905f&eventTab=details>
> _______________________________________________
> scale-infra mailing list
> scale-infra at lists.linuxfests.org
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Phil Dibowitz                             phil at ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/                   http://www.ipom.com/

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't
  matter and those who matter don't mind."
  - Dr. Seuss

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