[Scale-planning] [miwang at broadcom.com: I left/lost my Dell laptop power adapter in the La Guardia conference room on Sunday afternoon]
Lei Zhang
leiz at linux.ucla.edu
Mon Feb 12 11:54:59 PST 2007
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Subject: I left/lost my Dell laptop power adapter in the La Guardia
conference room on Sunday afternoon
From: "Michael J. Wang" <miwang at broadcom.com>
To: leiz at socallinuxexpo.com
cc: "Michael J. Wang" <miwang at broadcom.com>
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I accidentally left my Dell laptop power adapter in the back of the La
Guardia conference room after Chris DiBona's talk on Sunday afternoon.
Did anyone find it and turn it into you?
I already checked with the hotel and they said nobody turned anything
into them.
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