[Scale-planning] Free Software Representation at SCaLE

Mark Holmquist marktraceur at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 22:15:08 PST 2012

> [T]here certainly
> _is_  a policy that facilitates whatever communities may not have been
> fully represented in the body of talks:  Those are the BoFs.

Lori, I would argue that those don't make up for the main body of
presentations being inundated with talks that focus only on one
community--not having a policy of exclusion doesn't necessarily mean
that exclusion is not happening de facto. I don't expect you all to
solve this problem, but I think (and maybe you can agree) that it is
worth discussing. Also, I'd suggest reading the other messages in this
thread, I came much closer to properly stating my intentions there.

Mark Holmquist
Student, Computer Science
University of Redlands
MarkTraceur at gmail.com

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