[Scale-planning] Free Software Representation at SCaLE

Mark Holmquist marktraceur at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 06:00:10 PST 2012

So, I clearly misrepresented what I was trying to say in the first post,
and I think I may have confused people. In further discussion, I tried
to be more clear, but let me try once more.

Larry points out that it was my action, in part, that caused the lack of
Free Software speakers at the conference--I would much rather focus on
the intense focus, at the conference, on Open Source to the exclusion of
everything else, than on the exclusion of any one community. See the
bits in previous messages about the mission statement. My action
certainly affected some magical ratio, at the conference, that
represented FS-OSS relations, but it didn't necessarily change the
Public Domain community's representation, so there are other groups
(potentially) that need to be taken into account.

And as for the extolling of various, individual actions that happen to
associate the conference very loosely with the Free Software (movement|
community|Foundation), I again point you to the fact that I should
originally have asked not about the exclusion of any one group, but the
seeming favoritism applied to only one group (the Open Source community)
which happened to strike me as providing a less-than-welcoming

Again, I don't expect this to be fixed, and I will consider speaking at
the next conference (I hadn't come up with a topic, and was very busy
this year), but I thought that the above-mentioned favoritism might be
something that the planning committee might want to look into.

Mark Holmquist
Student, Computer Science
University of Redlands
MarkTraceur at gmail.com

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