[Scale-planning] Free Software Representation at SCaLE

Lei Zhang leiz at ucla.edu
Wed Jan 25 18:15:08 PST 2012

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 05:49:10PM -0800, Mark Holmquist wrote:
> I don't like leaving questions unanswered, so I'm going to answer Lei's,
> but let's make this very clear:
> I am *****not***** asking this list to consider the below concerns.
> I am *****NOT***** even suggesting that they should so consider them.
> I *****AM***** pretty sure that it's impossible to do at the current
> moment without the risk of alienating a large audience. Therefore,
> **************DO NOT************ consider implementing the alternatives
> below, at least until the world is less reliant on nonfree software and
> they can be implemented without losing any audience at all.
> With that out of the way.....

Don't get frustrated. I'm just trying to understand your position here.
Thanks for explaining in more detail.

> > So what alternatives do you have? Would it make you more happy if we
> > don't use Twitter, Facebook, and G+ as communication channels? What
> > do we do instead? Have you seen http://twitter.com/gnulinux ?
> GNU Social, the Diaspora Project, and many other more specific-use sites
> endeavor to change the landscape. Identi.ca, too, is a very active,
> viable alternative. See http://www.fsf.org/share for the FSF's view on
> Twitter and others (likely that the channel to which you linked was set
> up by one of the FSF members who already had an account, or who didn't
> mind taking the risk).

I don't know if SCALE use any of these communication channels, but I
don't see why not. SCALE already has an Identi.ca account.

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