[Scale-planning] speaker info on badges

Mx Siltanen mrsiltanen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 22:01:54 UTC 2016


We can have a label printer in the speakers room, and one by the sponsors

Thank You

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 2:08 PM, der.hans <
Verteiler+scale-planning at lufthans.com> wrote:

> Am 10. Aug, 2016 schwätzte Hriday Balachandran so:
> moin moin,
> The issue with a label printer and a QR code is that it adds to the badge
>> pickup time.
> The label printer would not need to be kept with or done at the same time
> as badge pickup.
> Even if we don't do a printout of some sort we could provide QR codes for
> speakers to keep on their phones.
> OK, don't tell anyone, but I did some graphics work :).
> I grabbed the SCaLE menu logo off the site. A few adjustments to that
> will give us better visual results, but the QR code works. Attached is an
> example.
> qrencode -o SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png 'http://www.socallinuxexpo.org
> /scale/14x/speakers/der-hans'
> convert -gravity center -composite SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli.png
> scale_penguin_menu.png SCaLE14x_der.hans_qr_cli_logo.png
> Looks quite scriptable to me. I'll create a shell script if you want.
> The far more elegant solution is a smart phone app with notifications
>> enabled. The ones out there are expensive and not really worth it for us.
> Are we going to use Guidebook again?
> We would need to develop one. If there's someone that wants to take the
>> task on, please let me know.
> What features do we want? Not offering to pop out a phone app :), but
> knowing desired features could generate ideas on how to get them.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> Bala.
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Mx Siltanen <mrsiltanen at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Perhaps we can get a label printer and allow custom prints w a QR code to
>>> add to the badge?
>>> That way we can keep up with updates if they occur and people can print
>>> and promote their talk or booth by printing both text and QR code.
>>> Thinking:
>>> "My Cool Open Source talk" [ QR code ]
>>> " Sat 11AM Room 101A"
>>> --
>>> "Job BOF" [ QR code ]
>>> "Fri 8PM Room 301B"
>>> ---
>>> "Robot Demo at" [ QR code ]
>>> "Booth 29, 1PM"
>>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Carlos <scale-planning at digitalr00ts.c
>>> om>
>>> wrote:
>>> Awesome idea!
>>>> Carlos Meza
>>>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 9:57 AM, der.hans <Verteiler+scale-planning at luft
>>>> hans.com> wrote:
>>>> moin moin,
>>>>> https://twitter.com/cczona/status/687654996112990208
>>>>> That came up in the SeaGL channel.
>>>>> As was pointed out, schedule changes happen and updates would be
>>>>> difficult. SCaLE has been great about not having changes, so that's
>>>>> less
>>>>> of an issue :).
>>>>> However, for me, as a speaker, the main reason I want info on my badge
>>>>> is
>>>>> for others who want to go to my talks, so I would actually prefer a QR
>>>>> code with a link to either my talk page or my speaker page, which would
>>>>> then have easy to use links for calendar entry and/or guidebook entry.
>>>>> I actually meant to do that on my own last year :), but didn't get to
>>>>> it
>>>>> :(.
>>>>> ciao,
>>>>> der.hans
>>>>> --
>>>>> #  http://www.LuftHans.com/        http://www.PhxLinux.org/
>>>>> #  Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans
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> --
> #  http://www.LuftHans.com/        http://www.PhxLinux.org/
> #  "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
> #   -- Albert Einstein
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