[Scale-planning] Do we want a table at the ISSA-LA summit May 19 – 20, 2016 at the Universal City Hilton LA CA

SCALE Planning List scale-planning at lists.linuxfests.org
Sat May 14 11:49:31 PDT 2016

I’d be happy to and if I can’t one of my people will






Andy Seltzer

Even Enterprises

 <mailto:ASeltzer at EvenEnterprises.com> ASeltzer at EvenEnterprises.com  

310-544-9439 voice             

818-302-3344 fax


 <http://www.evenenterprises.com/> www.EvenEnterprises.com 


P Go Green! Please print this e-mail only when necessary. 



From: Scale-planning [mailto:scale-planning-bounces at lists.linuxfests.org] On Behalf Of SCALE Planning List
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 11:34 AM
To: SCALE Planning List <scale-planning at lists.linuxfests.org>
Subject: [Scale-planning] Do we want a table at the ISSA-LA summit May 19 – 20, 2016 at the Universal City Hilton LA CA





ISSA-LA summit has asked if we would like to have a table top during the event.

( "booth" - but just a table top - some events they have 1/2 table ( OWASP LA ) )


iirc it would be on May 20th, and we'd need to man the table top provide some info on SCALE ( banner would be nice )


please let me know if anyone would like to help me do this.

( you'd get a comp pass for May 20th ) 


ISSA LA shares one of the org booths at SCaLE with OWASP-LA and CDA-LA


thank you





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