[Scale-planning] SCALE Next Generation (Youth Track) Playground - Call for Volunteers

Avni Khatri avni at kidsoncomputers.org
Thu Feb 16 14:01:14 UTC 2017

Hi all,

*We need your help for the SCALE Next Generation (TNG)/Youth Track!*

We are putting together a "Playground" for the TNG track at SCALE this year
that will run in parallel to the TNG talks on Saturday from 10am-6pm
and consist
of hands-on areas/pods where kids can come and go throughout the day. There
is a room that is being finalized for the playground activities.

We are proposing that each pod have 4 stations with very concrete
instructions printed out. Kids could be encouraged to pair up as they come
to the Playground or they could do the activities on their own. The
Playground would be 'staffed' by volunteers who sign-up for 1-hour or
longer shifts - we would aim for 1 volunteer per pod at all times.

*There are 3 things that we need help with: *

   1. *Finalizing the pods and providing tutorials for youth to do*. What
   we'd like is a beginner and advanced exercise at each pod that youth can do
   mostly independently. The proposed list of ideas is below, but if you have
   another idea that incorporates FOSS or open hardware, we'd love to hear it.
   Please contact me directly at *avni at kidsoncomputers.org
   <avni at kidsoncomputers.org>* if you can help with critical piece!!
   2. Volunteering the day of. Please sign up at:
   <http://tinyurl.com/tngplaygroundsignup>* if you can help the day of for
   1-hour or longer shift. Please also indicate in the signup sheet if you
   have a pod preference.
   3. Badge Creation - We'd like to create fun badges for kids to
   pickup/wear after they've completed a pod. We need one design per pod and
   would appreciate design skills. Please let me if you'd be willing to design
   the badges!

*Proposed pods* :

   1. *Learn how to install Linux*
      - Equipment: 4 laptops, 10 USB Drives
      2. *Sonic Pi
   <https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/sonic-pi-lessons/>- Learn to program
   with a Raspberry Pi 3*
      - Equipment:  4 x [Rasbperry Pi 3, Power, MicroSD, Monitor, Keyboard,
      Mouse Headset]
   3. *Edison Robot
   You're a Programmer*
      - Equipment: 4 Edison Robots, Batteries, 4 laptops
   4. *Arduino Uno* <https://www.arduino.cc/> - LED light exercise
      - Equipment: 4 laptops
   5. *Scratch / Scratch Jr <https://scratch.mit.edu/>. - Learn to Write
   your Name *
      - Equipment: 4 laptops

THANK YOU for considering. Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated.

Feel free to email me with any questions.

Avni Khatri
President, Kids on Computers
avni at kidsoncomputers.org
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