[Scale-planning] onsite data store
Christopher Smith
cbsmith at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 19:31:41 UTC 2017
For future reference, a great work around for your filesystem pain is to
just write a tar or cpio file to raw disk. You treat it like it is a tape
No question that a network can be more convenient, but it tends to be less
foolproof. Transferring files to 30 machines puts 30x the strain on the
network, particularly with wifi, unless you use a multicast protocol like
UFTP (which adds complexity). So, for things like SCALE, I would recommend
planning for the scenario where the network isn't there; treat it like a
bonus if it does.
On Mar 7, 2017 10:56 AM, "Tom King" <ka6sox at gmail.com> wrote:
> we had 2+GB files and that means EXT4/NTFS for USB Drives...it was a
> disaster..we finally had to go out and buy a USB HD that we were able to
> use...it took over 2+hrs of the Class time on Sunday to pass the drive
> around with 30 students...
> its not needed by everyone but in our case it would have helped (along
> with wired network...) we could have used a switch and had them come up 5
> at a time had we had a server that we could have dumped those things on.
> T
> On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan at socallinuxexpo.org
> > wrote:
>> We have historically offered local mirrors of popular distros on network,
>> and played tricks with DNS to ensure they were downloaded via us.
>> Ilan
>> Ilan Rabinovitch
>> Conference Chair
>> Southern California Linux Expo
>> 877-831-2569 x110 <(877)%20831-2569> Voice
>> 818-442-1865 <(818)%20442-1865> Mobile
>> ilan at linuxfests.org Email
>> ---
>> Ask me about sponsorship and speaking opportunities at LinuxFests.org's
>> upcoming events:
>> * SeaGL - Nov 11-12, 2016
>> * SCALE 15x - March 2-5, 2017 - Pasadena, CA
>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 6:53 AM, der.hans <Verteiler+SCaLE-planning at luft
>> hans.com> wrote:
>>> moin moin,
>>> do we normally have an onsite data store that could hold materials for
>>> talks and workshops?
>>> This is more about discovering if we have something I don't know about (
>>> like the schedule xml export[0] ) than a request for service.
>>> The legal track sent out significant homework for the lawyers. They
>>> needed
>>> to read ahead of time, so didn't really need a local cache, but it got me
>>> thinking others might.
>>> I also overheard some people discussing pulling down ISOs for a couple of
>>> workshops.
>>> [0] I think I had been told about the xml option before, but forgotten
>>> about it.
>>> ciao,
>>> der.hans
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