[Scale-planning] Thank you - + I have the SCALE banner

Mx Siltanen mrsiltanen at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 17:17:37 UTC 2018

I wanted to thank everyone for helping to make SCALE a great event.

I checked on the last hour of sessions and they were all well attended
considering that they were the last session on Sunday. The attendees we
well engaged at the end, and in some cases the session continued out into
the hallway after it had officially wrapped up.

The attendees I spoke to all wanted to congratulation you, the team of
volunteers who put SCALE together.

Great job team!

Also, I will be representing SCALE at the upcoming ISSA-LA summit on May
4th 2018 iat the Universal City Hilton and currently have the SCALE banner.
If anyone needs it before then PLEASE let me know ASAP.

Thank You
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