[Scale-planning] Beginer Tutorials

Ilan Rabinovitch ilan at socallinuxexpo.org
Wed Dec 14 22:40:14 PST 2005


SCALE is currently in need of sessions and tutorials specifically geared
at new users to Linux and open-source.
If you are interested in speaking or running one of these sessions
please see the CFP bellow.

Ilan Rabinovitch
Conference Chair
Southern California Linux Expo

2006 Southern CAlifornia Linux Expo

Beginners Tutorial CFP

The USC, Simi/Conejo, and UCLA Linux User Groups are proud to announce
the 4th annual Southern California Linux Expo scheduled for February
11-12, 2006 at the Westin Hotel near the Los Angeles International
Airport. Building on the tremendous response to the Beginners tutorial
track we had last year, we wanted to have a similar track this year as

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 Linux System Admin issues
 Linux distributions
 Linux Networking
 Linux Applications
 Linux for Desktops
 Linux Howtos
 Multimedia in Linux
 IPtables/IPchains in Linux
 Wireless tools in Linux
 Linux Games
 Open Source Database Servers
 Samba, OpenSSh/SSLGIMP & other graphics software
 Other open softwares
The proposals should comprise a 1-page (maximum) description containing
the following:
1] Title for the talk.
2] Name, Affiliation, Bio, contact email address of the Presenter.
3] A description enlisting what will be covered in the session.
4] Any specific requirements needed for the presentation other than an
overhead projector and a microphone.

Presentations are alloted a time slot of about 45 minutes. All proposals
are to be sent to kapadia at socallinuxexpo.com
<mailto:kapadia at socallinuxexpo.com>.

Important Dates:

07 Dec, 2005: Beginners tutorial CFP Opens
11 Jan, 2006: Last date for abstracts/proposals
15 Jan, 2005: Last date for notification of acceptance
11 Feb, 2006: Conference starts

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