[Scale-planning] Ubuntu phone flashing

der.hans verteiler+scale-planning at LuftHans.com
Sun Feb 17 23:51:39 PST 2013

Am 17. Feb, 2013 schwätzte Nathan Haines so:

moin moin Nathan,

thanks for answering and explaining why!

> On 02/17/2013 11:19 PM, der.hans wrote:
>> the release is the night before SCaLE starts. Will Canonical be flashing
>> phones at the Ubuntu booth at SCaLE? If so, is this the type of thing
>> where we should do a press release with Canonical/Ubuntu?
> No, Canonical is not involved in the Ubuntu booth at SCALE and never has 
> been.

OK. I thought I recalled a seperate Canonical booth a couple of years ago.
All of the people there from Canonical or Ubuntu that I knew were Canonical
employees. Well, aside from local members of AZLoCo.

> I intend to flash my phone for use as a demonstration (although I will have 
> to confirm whether or not that's practical on Thursday).  I would be happy to 
> bring the file along if you would like to flash your phone but I certainly 
> won't do it for you or take any kind of liability or responsibility for it. 
> :P

I understand not wanting to flash phones on your own.

> You'll need a GSM-based Samsung Galaxy Nexus or Samsung Galaxy Nexus 4 in 
> order to flash your phone.  Additionally, it will destroy all data and 
> software currently on your phone.
> Finally, this will be a preview release intended for developers and 
> enthusiasts and we have no idea what will be included.  Hopefully basic call 
> and SMS functionality.  Probably Unity lens functionality.  Maybe camera and 
> bluetooth functionality.  Probably nothing else.

Yeah, my main thought was for a press release since SCaLE would start the
very next day and because UbuCon is also the very next day... :)

If the Nexus line had external storage ( like it should!!! ), then I would
consider it, but, yeah, not putting an initial developers release on my
phone :).


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#  Hope has two beautiful daughters: Anger and Courage. Anger at the way
#  things are, and Courage to struggle to create things as they should be.
#  -- St. Augustine

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