[Scale-planning] Black Women in Tech - was Re: SCALE CFP Closing on 11/15
Mx Siltanen
mrsiltanen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 18:15:32 UTC 2016
Hi Lori,
I can think of a few areas:
1) If you would like to help promote SCALE with your group by posting a
meetup or meeting for your group to attend SCALE and/or newsletter - we can
provide you a custom discount code to reward your members for participating
with your group. ( last year it was 50% off.. which is a really good deal )
Also remember, for those wanting to enter the tech industry and on a tight
budget, we always needs more good volunteers to help make SCALE happen.
2) BOF rooms available in the evening - as we rent out the conference
center, we will have rooms available after the presentations for people to
use for "round table" type discussions. We welcome all sorts of pro-open
source community discussions during this time, and they've ranged across
all sorts of topics. For instance perhaps you or someone in Black Women in
Technology would like to host a session to discuss a relevant topic.
Perhaps making a larger session with the focus of getting more women in
For example, if all the various women's community groups which are
participating in SCALE were to coordinate a BOF session on:
"Mentor Me: Helping women in the tech industry, Q&A and support." ( or
something along those lines )
Suggest getting Girls in Tech, Girl Develop It, Women who code, PyLadies,
and the other women's groups together and have a panel for Q&A and help
people network with each other to help build mentoring and support
Please do feel empowered to coordinate with others and utilize the rooms we
have available Thu, Fri, and Sat nights for BOFs.
3) MCs - we need more volunteers to help with MCing /room coordination.
One of the roles is to announce the presenters as well as the sponsor for
the room.
This would be a good opportunity to show involvement, and a good chance to
get to know the presenters better.
We also need more volunteers across the different functional areas.
Over time we want to build out a stronger team which puts SCALE together
and we welcome diversity.
4) Org Booths on the expo floor - we have a limited number of org booths on
the expo floor.
Manning them fully over the course of the expo hours can be challenging,
THUS some organizations have joined together to man a combined booth.
For example - in the past
Various OC groups joined together to man 1 booth
Various Big Data / Data Sci groups share a booth
Various Info Sec groups share a booth
Thus, it maybe useful to look at other groups which you can partner up with
to share a booth.
Note, sharing a booth does require some coordination - to ensure all groups
involved help out manning the booth.
Also note, some groups involved with SCALE opted to instead help run the
event instead of manning a booth, as they could not get enough volunteers
to man the booth as everyone was working on something else at SCALE.
Thank You
On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Lori Mitchell <lorimitchell0 at gmail.com>
> Hello all:
> I would like to know how Black Women in Technology can become involved? I
> know the opportunities in open source abound 😊
> My goal is to make sure our group can encourage more black women to
> migrate towards open source. Thanks in advance for your replies.
> Warmly,
> Lori Mitchell
> Lori Mitchell
> Founder/CEO
> Black Women In Technology
> t.
> (310) 862-4236
> e.
> info at blackwomenintech.org
> w.
> http://www.blackwomenintech.org
> <http://www.facebook.com/blackwomenintechla> <http://twitter.com/BWiTLA>
> <http://wiseintro.co/lorimitchell>
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 12:38 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch <
> ilan at socallinuxexpo.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Mx Siltanen <mrsiltanen at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Q: Results from CFP... did we get enough?
>> 350+ proposals.
>>> What areas do we need more coverage?
>> The program committee is meeting later this week, and we'll have a better
>> sense of inventory on the main tracks. Some of the side events, will be
>> reviewed after the holiday weekend.
>>> As I am experimenting more with twitter for outreach I am encountering
>>> possible people to invite to participate with SCALE 15x and it would be
>>> good to know if there are areas which I may encourage greater participation.
>>> btw - Most of my focus currently is Open Data, Big Data, DevOps, and
>>> Info-Sec related.
>> Thanks Matti.
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