[Scale-planning] Did you like having SCALE t-shirt pick up on the expo floor?

David Lang david at lang.hm
Tue Mar 7 23:56:36 UTC 2017

On Tue, 7 Mar 2017, Ken wrote:

> On Tuesday 07 March 2017, Ilan Rabinovitch wrote:
>> ...
>> The scanning did occur at registration last year as well, and would
>> continue if we move shirts back to registration.
> I am a bit confused, especially when considering the Expo thread.
> Why do the badges need to be scanned for the shirts?
> It makes the process take longer. People are to be trusted to not abuse the
> Expo pass. which involves more money,

the expo pass thing doesn't require that scale make any additional outlay if 
someone is abusing it. It costs potential revenue (but see all the discussions 
on online piracy about how potential revenue != lost money), but unless the 
room is full so that paid attendees aren't able to get it, it doesn't directly 
hurt anyone

shirts require cash outlay by scale.

David Lang

> yet it is said that the badge needs to
> be scanned for the shirts to ensure that people don't take more than one
> shirt, well, at least until before Noon on Sunday when they can take as many
> as they want as we don't want to store them or give them out in later years
> or other such uses.
> The scanning of the badges for the shirts was not done until after Scale 13x.
> What changed to no longer trust people with respect to the shirts by adding
> this additional security step?
> Are the badges scanned to ensure that people don't take more than one bag or
> coffee cup?

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