[Scale-planning] Did you like having SCALE t-shirt pick up on the expo floor?

Ken scalezz at kemasa.com
Wed Mar 8 00:05:27 UTC 2017

On Tuesday 07 March 2017, David Lang wrote:
> the expo pass thing doesn't require that scale make any additional outlay
> if someone is abusing it. It costs potential revenue (but see all the
> discussions on online piracy about how potential revenue != lost money),
> but unless the room is full so that paid attendees aren't able to get it,
> it doesn't directly hurt anyone

It costs Scale money as a reduction in income. Also if a person sees a person 
with an Expo badge and nothing is being done about it, they might have an 
issue with it and do the same in the future. The cost is based on the paying 
people, so if people steal, it costs all those who pay.

The fact is that it is unknown how much it is actually costing since it is 
unknown how many get an Expo only badge and go to all the talks since it is 
not being tracked at all.

> shirts require cash outlay by scale.

Yet they want to get rid of the excess and were encouraging people to take as 
many as they wanted on Sunday. Remember that the percentage of those who got 
shirts went down by 19% this year.

Is the extra effort and wasted time of the attendees really worth it?



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