[Scale-planning] t-shirts in storage

Lan Dang ldangmlist at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 00:30:07 UTC 2017

Hi all,

As we have been trying to retire the previous thread on t-shirts on the
expo floor, I will start a new one.

My intent is to remove all of the old t-shirts from storage either this
weekend or next weekend.  Before SCaLE 15x, there were 3 or 4 Gildan boxes
of t-shirts, some of which were A/V shirts.  Does anyone know how many
boxes of SCaLE 15x shirts went into storage?

Lori and Matti would like to keep some shirts for volunteer recruitment and
or SCALE promotion, so I will set aside a large selection for them.  I was
planning on keeping some for SGVLUG, in case people missed out on shirts or
wanted more shirts.   I'm keeping all the A/V t-shirts as I like the design
and my current shirts have holes in them.

If anyone else would like shirts, you can email me offlist.

There is a donation drive for a women's shelter at work in a couple of
weeks, and I intend on donating a box or two there.  If there are kid's
shirts, I will see if Ronald McDonald house will take them.

I hope that after all this, there will be no shirts left over and we can
start SCaLE 16x fresh.

Let me know if you have a problem with this plan.  Any logistics can
probably be handled offline.  I'm located in San Gabriel and pass through
Pasadena all the time.

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