[Scale-planning] Did you like having SCALE t-shirt pick up on the expo floor?

Ken scalezz at kemasa.com
Thu Mar 9 19:06:14 UTC 2017

On Thursday 09 March 2017, Mx Siltanen wrote:
> Sorry if you feel like people are treated like cattle at SCaLE, they are
> not, nor is it our intention.

Please read what you said objectively. People will go to the expo if they want 
to. Forcing them to go in order to get shirt is a change. It is another line 
that they might have to stand in, as well there are LIMITED hours, which 
limits when a person can get the shirt.

If you want to ADD an item that they can get should they decide to go to the 
expo floor, that would be a different thing.

Having a person go to the expo floor ONLY to get shirt does not improve 
anything, does it?

> Having distribution of T-shirts helps increase the visibility the expo
> floor and those who are participating with booths ( both sponsored and
> community booths ).  It helps us all by helping make the expo more active
> and increasing visibility of those participating in the expo. It helps the
> attendees see that we have a number of active community groups
> participating on the expo floor which have regular meetings and events
> which they are welcome to participate in.

Which they can do on their own.

> There is a tremendous value on the expo floor for both the attendees and
> sponsors with booths. Also there are great opportunities if you run a local
> LUG / meetup to find potential presenters and facilities / food and drink
> sponsors as well as inviting more people to attend your group's events. It
> is also a great opportunity for LUGs and meetup groups to connect with each
> other and help support other community events ( such as Big Data Day LA, So
> Cal Code Camp ( LA and San Diego ), ISSA LA Summit, OWASP App Sec Cali,
> Drupal Camp LA, Hackaday events, L1, .. ) .

Quite true, but that has nothing to do with forcing a person to go if they 
want a shirt that had been given out at registration.

Perhaps you should consider having three different booths spread out, one to 
get the shirt, one to get the coffee cup and one to get the bag. That way 
people would see much more of the expo, right?

> Thus increasing traffic and visibility of the expo is it not a waste of
> time, nor is it just nice -it is a CRITICAL INVESTMENT in the future of
> SCaLE and the community which we support.

When you force people to do so just to get a shirt it is. People will go if 
they want to. Give people an incentlve, but don't do so by taking away 
something that had previously been given out at registration, causing people 
to have to do something extra.

Perhaps you should ask attendees how they feel about it.



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