[Scale-planning] Game Night

der.hans Verteiler+SCaLE-planning at LuftHans.com
Fri Mar 10 18:24:54 UTC 2017

Am 10. Mar, 2017 schwätzte Lori Barfield so:

> hey, what did you all think of the new VR Realm activity?  it was so
> popular, i think we have to bring it back.  only with many times more
> equipment.  do you have any creative ideas about it?
> any other feedback you'd like to give about our signature Game Night
> activity?

Thanks for all the work the game night team puts in to make it a great
experience for everyone!

I liked the historical displays and the use of craigslist for cleaning up
lost and found.

It's been a while since the Frets on Fire guy had a booth or the flight
simulator guy was in. I think it would be awesome to get projects like
those participating in game night.

I did not have much time to talk to the Linux Astronomy group. Did they
put up a telescope? If not, is there a place they could do that? Oooh, it
would be fun to put up celestia or something similar on one of the big
displays and let people play with it.


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#  If it's not a toy you're looking at it wrong. -- der.hans

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