[Scale-planning] Navigating a new social landscape at SCaLE

der.hans verteiler+scale-planning at LuftHans.com
Sat Jul 10 07:27:38 UTC 2021

Am 27. Jun, 2021 schwätzte Phil Dibowitz so:

moin moin,

> On 6/27/21 12:48 PM, Carlos wrote:
>> Hello SCaLE planners,
>> I would like to suggest attendees have a way to share their social contact 
>> comfort level.
> Hi Carlos!
> Thanks for the suggestion. We are indeed starting to discuss what we want to

Yeah, thanks for broaching the topic Carlos!

> do to ensure safety and comfort for next year's SCALE event.

"next year's SCALE event" sounds good :)

> I'm a big fan of the kind of thing you suggest - stickers/ribbons/whatever to 
> add to your badge. I might swap "handshakes" with "elbow bumps" since that's 
> sorta the thing since the pandemic, in general we will likely do something 
> like this.

I'm glad to hear a plan is coming together for this type of thing.

Also, we should make elbow bumps a SCALE tradition.

> We're also discussing if we want to require vaccinations, masks, etc. We're 
> fortunate that there are several conferences this year and we'll benefit from 
> watching what they do seeing how it works out and be able to use that data to 
> help us decide the best course of action. For example, DEFCON this year is 
> requiring both vaccinations and masks. We're not yet sure what we will choose 
> - it will depend on how COVID-19 and variants evolve over the months, what 
> the CDC and the Pasadena Health officials require, and what we believe will 
> keep out staff and attendees safe.
> Despite being the weekend before the CA lockdown, we were very proud that 
> (afaik) last year's SCALE didn't involve any outbreaks. We will be doing

We got very lucky. Lots of thanks to those who bolstered our luck and
enhanced our saving throws by disinfecting everything!

Thanks again to everyone who put in a ton of normal work to put on SCALE
and then did a double-ton of extra work due everything changing as we were
learning what the pandemic was!



> everything in our power to ensure next year's SCALE keeps everyone safe as 
> well, and I think some mechanism for people to indicate their comfort with 
> levels of contact will be an important part of that.
> Thanks!
> - Phil
> Diversity and Safety Chair
>> Levels of comfort can include:
>> I welcome:
>> - hugs
>> - handshakes
>> - waves
>> - my space
>> Ideas of how attendees can indicate their comfort level include:
>> - colored lanyards
>> - badge stickers
>> The desired outcomes include lowering social anxiety and increasing 
>> comfortability. Many members of the Linux and open-source community 
>> struggle to navigate social situations. Covid-19 has exacerbated this 
>> issue, as social norms are being redefined.
>> Thanks for consideration of this idea,
>> Carlos Meza
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