[Scale-planning] UpSCALE Talks

Kenneth Wyrick kmw at caltek.net
Wed Jan 25 18:15:07 UTC 2017

what you said sounds right to me.
he referred us to the cfp
i looked and found something i may submit for upSCALE
SCALE 15X will have the following specialized tracks:

Open Source in Enterprises - Both small businesses & large enterprises are
adopting Open Source to reduce costs, for higher agility and improving
quality. This will be the focus of this newly introduced track with an
emphasis on on real world examples.

<quote who="Caryl Bigenho">

I've done a couple of UpSCALE talks in the past. I looked on past years
pages but couldn't find the old instructions. I do remember it was
Gareth's project and that we had to get our slide deck to him by a certain
deadline so he could get the whole thing ready to go before the event.
Also, as I recall, we only needed to submit a title in advance (maybe with
a clarifying sub-title). The deadline to get the decks in was very close
to the actual opening of SCaLE.

It seems having a separate instruction for it this year might clarify it
for folks. You should be able to fit in 7 - 8 talks (that is what was done
in prior years).


From: Scale-planning <scale-planning-bounces at lists.linuxfests.org> on
behalf of Ilan Rabinovitch <ilan at socallinuxexpo.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 9:04:05 AM
To: SCALE Planning List
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] UpSCALE Talks

The CFP page has instructions on how to submit talks in general, rather
than UpSCALE specifically.  It applies to all programs at SCALE. With 12~
tracks at SCALE and half a dozen community events that need to get
sessions into the SCALE website, building a new page for each isn't ideal.

Looks like have a few proposals already, so I think people are finding it?
 If you're concerned though could you take a stab and making changes to
the text and posting it as a google doc or gist we can collaborate on?

Ilan Rabinovitch
Conference Chair
Southern California Linux Expo
877-831-2569 x110 Voice
818-442-1865 Mobile
ilan at linuxfests.org<mailto:ilan at linuxfests.org> Email

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 8:43 AM, Lan Dang via Scale-planning
<scale-planning at lists.linuxfests.org<mailto:scale-planning at lists.linuxfests.org>>
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From: Lan Dang <l.dang at ymail.com<mailto:l.dang at ymail.com>>
To: SCALE Planning List
<scale-planning at lists.linuxfests.org<mailto:scale-planning at lists.linuxfests.org>>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 16:43:42 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [Scale-planning] UpSCALE Talks
The post links to CFP as the place to submit a proposal for UpSCALE.

Submission form:
(remember to select UpSCALE for track/topic)

But there is no info on CFP page that says anything about UpSCALE or
5-minute talks, or the deadline and acceptance timeline for UpSCALE.

I would suggest either editing the CFP page so it applies to UpSCALE, or
coming up with a separate UpSCALE CFP page.


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I�m moderate on extroversion.

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