All lists are imported to mailman3, aka
Davide and I will meet in January to do the final migration, which gives everyone one month to test the new setup.
A version of this notice will go to -chairs and -infra - but ALL LISTS have been imported, so please work with your various teams to test if you feel necessary. I am not on all the lists, I'm putting it on individual Chairs to pass this along to your teams.
Archives, list settings, memberships have all been imported and look good to us.
THINGS TO TEST: * Send an email (<list>! It'll work, and GO TO EVERYONE ON THE NORMAL LIST, so it's worth noting somewhere in the email it's a test and discussions on that thread will not be preserved * Create an account on the webui so you can change your delivery settings * Checkout the archives, see if they fill you with joy * If you have weird requirements for your list - see if they're satisfied by the new setup!