Los Angeles, CA November 15, 2004
SCALE 3X is open for business! The Expo is now accepting early
registrations at http://socallinuxexpo.com/order/.
A full pass (expo floor and seminars is $50 until January 1, 2005, and
$65 thereafter, a student pass is $25 until January 1, 2005, and $32.50
thereafter, and an expo-floor-only pass is $10.
We've added these speakers recently:
Jon Walker, Versora - http://www.versora.com/
Glenn Flinchbaugh, Wind River Systems - http://www.windriver.com/
Walt Pennington and Darya Mazandarany, Pennington Firms -
And these sponsors are newly signed with the Linux Expo:
Media Sponsor: Computer User Magazine – http://www.computeruser.com
Media Sponsor: Linux Journal – http://www.linuxjournal.com
ISP Sponsor: Linkline Communications -
There will also be a GPG key signing event. It will take place at the
end of the first day of the Expo. If you'd like to participate, you
should bring at least one legible copy of a fingerprint. A picture ID
is recommended, but not required. If you plan to participate, send your
public key to keysigning(a)socallinuxexpo.org.
If your LUG or other non-profit Open Source organization would like to
demo something related to Open Source software at SCALE 3X, please
contact gareth(a)socallinuxexpo.org for a booth. Don't delay; booths are
being assigned to LUGs and other ORGs steadily.
SCALE 3X will be held February 12th and 13th, 2005, at the Los Angeles
Convention Center. The Linux Expo of Southern California was
established in 2001. Our mission is to evangelize the advantages of Open
Source software.
For more information, see http://socallinuxexpo.com, or email