Alex Perry will be speaking about FlightGear at an IEEE meeting in September. Alex has at SCALE multiple times, and his talks have been quite popular.
If you are interested in learning more about the FlightGear project, please consider attending this event. I am including information on location and URLs bellow.
Ilan Rabinovitch
Conference Chair
Southern California Linux Expo
The Coastal Los Angeles IEEE Section Computer Society Chapter presents ...
Introduction to the FlightGear Flight Simulator
September 12, 2006 at 7:30pm
Alex Perry, Google, 604 Arizona, Santa Monica, CA 90401
FlightGear is a GPL open source flight simulator that runs on a wide range
of platforms including Linux, MacOS and Windows. The simulation itself, the
worldwide scenery and the aircraft models are free to download from
www.flightgear.org and its mirrors. This talk will provide an introduction
into the project, its goals, getting started, and a demonstration of the
system in action.
IEEE membership is not required to attend this talk; we're always
looking to grow our membership: http://www.ieee.org/membership/join/
Computer Society: http://www.computer.org/
Section Home Page: http://ewh.ieee.org/r6/coastal_la/
FlightGear project: http://www.flightgear.org/
Directions / Map: http://tinyurl.com/gba8u