We hope that this email finds everyone doing well and rested after an
amazing SCALE. SCALE 11x was the best one yet! We wanted to thank
everyone for helping to make the event such a huge success. Our
attendee numbers were up from previous years, with the final count at
2304 attendees.
We like to think of SCALE as a free & open source project, constantly
evolving and always with room for improvement. To that end, we'd like
to hear any and all feedback that anyone has to share. The good, the
bad, and ugly. What went well, what didn't, what if anything we did
that we shouldn't do again.
The are currently two exhibitor halls at SCALE, with a large open space
in between them. We're exploring ideas to utilize this space better
Thanks again! A few ideas that have been discussed by the team already
include having some banners that promote the exhibitors who have been
supporting SCALE for awhile.
In case anyone missed it, the dates for SCALE 12x were announced at the
show. SCALE 12x will be taking place February 21st - 23rd, 2014.
SCALE 11X - February 22nd - 24th, 2013
This time it goes to 11!