Just extending an invitation to anyone who is in the area and could
and would like to help. The Scale Tech
finish up testing and labeling network cables, switches, and AP's (and
also rehabilitate the carts to haul them around) this weekend. This is
the second and hopefully last part of finishing up what we started in
Are hosts this time is OpenX in Pasadena. We wil be meeting at OpenX
at around 10 am, and working till about 6pm (hopefully finishing
earlier on Sunday).
888 E Walnut Street
Pasadena, CA 91101
We will be using the break room located on the ground floor on the
North West of the building (right off of Walnut Ave). We will NOT have
parking validated, so please park on the street (there' usually plenty
on weekends).
Just knock on the window off of Walnut street on the west side of the
building. And questions, or trying to find someone, by cel # (562)
556-7622 .