welcome to SCaLE-planning, nicole! looking forward to working with you.
On Dec 6, 2017 18:19, "Nicole Gossett via Scale-planning" <
scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org> wrote:
> _______________________________________________
> Scale-planning mailing list
> Scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org
> https://lists.linuxfests.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/scale-planning
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Nicole Gossett <unixinskie(a)protonmail.com>
> To: "scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org" <
> scale-planning(a)lists.linuxfests.org>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2017 21:18:53 -0500
> Subject: Introduction
> Hello,
> My name is Nicole and I would like to cover a brief introduction of myself
> for SCaLE's volunteer team. I am originally from CT, I study computer
> science, I like video games, art, and technology and my dream is to get a
> computer engineering degree. I have recently moved over to the linux
> operating system, and I'm interested in learning more about system
> administration in linux, security, and kernel development. I have helped
> volunteer and organize hackathons and other events in the past involving a
> lot of different people. I'm really looking forward to helping the tech
> team and contributing my time to SCaLE, I think it will be a great
> experience.
> -Nicole
Hi folks,
Do we know anyone involved with LA Hacks? (https://lahacks.com/)
Any way we should be cross-promoting for SCALE since we're both in March?
Hi Folks,
Do we know anyone at Linksys / Belkin? They're based in Santa Monica and
Would be interested in seeingif we can get them involved in SCALE some how.
As we are getting closer to Scale, the various groups are putting together
the last touches before the Expo. And tech is among those groups. We are
planning a work session this weekend at Null Space Labs ( http://032.la/ )
in North Hollywood this weekend, Sat & Sun, from 10am-6pm. There is a class
been taught on Sat, from 2-5pm, so we may be out at that time(long lunch,
or may just finish early, tbd).
What we are trying to accomplish:
1) Label the network switches and AP's with their MAC address
2) reflash the switches, AP's, & Pi's with the same version of OS's. Get
them config-ed so we could easily update them if needed.
1) Set up the network we are planning on using at Scale, with everything,
including monitoring, sign, and admin servers.
Null Space Labs
10717 West Chandler Boulevard,
North Hollywood, CA 91601
My cell if you need to get a hold of me, (562) 556-7622
If you could make it, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Hi all,
tl;dr If you are interested in helping out with TNG Playground, please let
me know and subscribe to the scale-kids mailing list.
We are going to have TNG Playground again this year, on Saturday, March
10th. It will be similar in format to last year's event. The goal is to
provide a hands-on activities room for the kids at SCALE. Last year, most
of the kids were 7-14, but there were some younger kids and adults who also
Avni did a fantastic job of organizing it last year with Kids on Computers;
however she is unable to make it to SCALE this year.
This year, I am organizing it with the help of Vivienne Byrd from the Los
Angeles Public Library. Avni gave me a lot of info from last year and we
might still be able to borrow some computers from Kids on Computers.
We'll do our planning on scale-kids and I will set up a Google Drive with
notes. I'm a bit swamped this week with work, but I'll post a link to the
Google Drive later. If you're interested in helping out, let me know, and
please subscribe to the scale-kids mailing list.
About TNG Playground
SCALE 15x TNG Playground: http://tinyurl.com/tngplayground
TNG Playground provides a place where the kids at SCALE can do hands-on,
self-guided activities at different stations or pods.
Each pod or station will have a station lead, who comes up with the content
for the pod and will set up the station. The pods can be handed off to
day-of volunteers who sign up for hourly shifts.
We will have 4-5 pods, and there will be 4 stations per pod, which allows
participation by 4-8 students per pod.
To support both newbies and older kids, we can have easy and hard
activities. To make it fun for them, we will stamp a passport for them
when they complete a designated activity at a pod. If they get stamps from
all pods, they can select a prize from the swag table.
Hi everyone,
We've setup a SCALE event on Facebook. I realize not all of us are social
media fans, but if you're a Facebook user please consider inviting
colleagues, friends, etc who are interested in Linux, Open Source and Tech.
Lets help get the word out.
Hi all,
We have an SGVLUG meeting next Thursday, Feb 8th (7-9pm) at OpenX
Technologies in Pasadena. The topic is "The 5W1H of Getting Involved in
Open Source" and our speaker is Paul Ramirez, a technical group supervisor
at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Apache Software Foundation committer.
I want to invite those of you who are local to Pasadena to attend and add
to our discussion. Also, it's a good opportunity to promote your favorite
aspects of SCALE, and maybe give us a sneak peek at what to expect in March.
It might be nice to have the SCALE banner or flyers there.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP on Meetup or with me.
OpenX is in a secured building, so I need to provide them with a list of
TIME: Thursday, February 8th, from 7pm to 9pm
LOCATION: OpenX Technologies, 888 E Walnut St, Pasadena, CA 91101
TOPIC: The 5W1H of Getting Involved in Open Source
SPEAKER: Paul Ramirez, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
With SCALE coming up in February now is a great time to make sure we're
listed on all the local event calendars. Since theres quite a few of them,
help would be appreciated. We've compiled a list of places we normally
post here:
Your help would be appreciated. Many hands make light work so if you
comment or check off the ones you did we'll know not to repeat your efforts.
I've gone ahead and taken care of about 12 of them.
Just recently noticed this event announced in my inbox, and wanted to pass
it along as it looks like an interesting event.
Liz Krane on Wed sent a notice out that they were still looking for mentors
to help out. Thus I wanted to pass this along in case anyone in our team
would be interested in participating.
If you would like to participate and to help promote SCaLE please do let me
know as I have printed out a nice poster for SCaLE 16x which can use a few
more views as well as have the SCaLE banner and am able to coordinate with
you to pick it up if you want it for this event or another event.
Thank You