Based on feedback, it sounds like we should try to do:
1) Map (This will likely take 2 cards unless everyone has super good eyesight) 2) Ad for game night (including family hour) 3) Map / ad for BV for Thurs/Fri attendees
If anyone is interested in creating a card or two, please send 300 DPI images my way. Otherwise I'll try to whip something up on Wednesday.
On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 10:03 PM, Lei Zhang wrote:
Hi folks,
The attendee badges are printed on 8.5" x 11" badge stock. The paper is perforated and divided into six 4" x 3" cards. We use 2 cards to print the badge and the receipt, which leaves 4 blank cards. Does anyone have suggestions on what to put in those spaces? In the past, we have used the space for "Welcome to SCALE" messages, maps, raffle tickets, and QR codes for the Guidebook app.