Tim Frichtel wrote:
Orv and I talked about possibly having a track dedicated to Open Source in Education at the next SCALE.
Here are some initial thoughts, I hope this isn't too long.
This sounds like it'd be a good mini-conference. It seems like it would be very difficult to have this be a track. Lining up speakers for a theme is traditionally difficult. You generally tend to get a bunch of speakers that all talk about one piece of that theme, or you only get one speaker. It also tends to off-balanace other tracks, and cause eh, track-starvation, for lack of a better term.
Of course, I'm taking this from talks with the chair people over the last 5 years - I've never been the Speaker Chair.
However, if a small group of people were interested in this and got together to make a mini-conference, it could be the day before (like 5x's mini-conferences) and I think that could be very successful.
That said, I (no longer) speak authoritatively for SCALE - it's just my 2 cents.